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Here are the requested elements: **LSI Words:** 1. Plante 2. Fungus 3. Korijen 4. Biljka 5. Ljekovitost 6. Zabolevanja 7. Mikoz 8. Bolesti 9. Krem 10. Kozmetika 11. Dobar zdravstveni stan 12. Bolesti nogu 13. Mikozni prah 14. Bolesti kozu 15. Antifungalno **Article Plan:** I. **Uvod** (Introduction) - Koji smo mi? (Who are we?) - Šta je Mikoherb? (What is Mikoherb?) - Značaj Mikoherba (Importance of Mikoherb) II. **Šta je Mikoherb** (What is Mikoherb?) - Opis proizvoda (Product description) - Sadržaj Mikoherba (Composition of Mikoherb) - Zašto koristiti Mikoherb (Why use Mikoherb) III. **Prednosti Mikoherba** (Advantages of Mikoherb) - Zašto koristiti Mikoherb protiv gljivica (Why use Mikoherb against fungus) - Koliko je efektivan Mikoherb (How effective is Mikoherb) - Prednosti Mikoherba u poređenju s drugim proizvodima (Advantages of Mikoherb compared to other products) IV. **Upotreba Mikoherba** (Usage of Mikoherb) - Kako se koristi Mikoherb (How to use Mikoherb) - Za koje bolesti nogu se koristi Mikoherb (For which foot diseases is Mikoherb used) - Opasnosti u upotrebi (Risks of use) V. **Rizici i neželjene reakcije** (Risks and Side Effects) - Može li se Mikoherb koristiti tokom trudnoće (Can Mikoherb be used during pregnancy) - Može li se Mikoherb koristiti kod dijabetesa (Can Mikoherb be used with diabetes) - Nuspojave kod upotrebe Mikoherba (Side effects of Mikoherb use) VI. **Istina ili laž** (Truth or Lie) - Je li Mikoherb efektivan (Is Mikoherb effective) - Koliko je Mikoherb siguran (How safe is Mikoherb) - Neki slučajevi upotrebe Mikoherba (Some cases of Mikoherb use) VII. **Skladištenje i održavanje** (Storage and Maintenance) - Kako treba skladištiti Mikoherb (How to store Mikoherb) - Zašto je važno održavati Mikoherb (Why it is important to maintain Mikoherb) VIII. **Rezime i recenzije** (Summary and Reviews) - Koji su rezultati upotrebe Mikoherba (What are the results of Mikoherb use) - Reakcije korisnika (User reviews) - Zašto treba koristiti Mikoherb (Why you should use Mikoherb) **Article Goal:** Persuade readers to choose Mikoherb for treating fungal infections on the feet, highlighting its advantages, usage, and safety. **Tone:** Educational, informative, and persuasive, with a neutral tone. **Product Description:** Mikoherb is a product with a beneficial effect against fungus on the feet, providing relief and prevention against fungal infections. **Product Category:** Fungus / Mikoherb - health

Country: BA / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian (all three are official)
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