Here is a comprehensive article plan for the topic "Hemomax: side effects, usage, truth or lie, advantages, danger, storage, what is it, composition, reviews" in Macedonian language: **Article Title:** "Hemomax: Истина или лажа? Корисници и лекари разговараат за користи и ризици" **Article Goal:** To persuade readers to choose Hemomax for the treatment of hemorrhoids, while highlighting its advantages, usage, and potential side effects. **Tone:** Informative, objective, and persuasive, with a tone that balances the benefits and risks of using Hemomax. **LSI Keywords:** 1. Hemomax 2. Hемороеиди 3. Анално облекување 4. Течност за транспорт 5. Хемороеидна помош 6. Полово неадекватно крварење 7. Крварење 8. Повишено телесно притисок 9. Течна стомачна садржаја 10. Сувица **Article Outline:** I. Вовед (Introduction) * Општо за Хемомакс (General information about Hemomax) * Историја на продуктот (Product history) * Најчитано: како Хемомакс ја помага при хемороеиди (Most read: how Hemomax helps with hemorrhoids) II. Состав (Composition) * Основни активни состојки (Main active ingredients) * Други состојки (Other ingredients) * Состав и технолошки процес (Composition and technological process) III. Клинички користи (Clinical benefits) * Сувица и животна квалитет (Constipation and quality of life) * Релаксирачки и дијарејно-сувица ефект (Relaxing and constipation-diarrhea effect) * Анално облекување и крварење (Anorectal lubrication and bleeding) IV. Ризици и странични ефекти (Risks and side effects) * Ограничувања за употреба (Contraindications for use) * Странични ефекти (Side effects) * Несакани ефекти (Unwanted effects) V. Користи и лекари говорат за користи и ризици (Users and doctors talk about benefits and risks) * Лекари говорат за користи и ризици (Doctors talk about benefits and risks) * Корисници говорат за користи и ризици (Users talk about benefits and risks) VI. Сопствена оценка и препорака (Personal evaluation and recommendation) * Најчитано: зајакнувајте вашата решност за користење Хемомакс (Most read: strengthen your determination to use Hemomax) * Најчитано: како да го користите Хемомакс правилно (Most read: how to use Hemomax correctly) VII. Заклучок (Conclusion) * Сумарен преглед на користи и ризици (Summary of benefits and risks) * Финално: да ли треба да го користите Хемомакс (Finally: should you use Hemomax?) **Article Length:** 1800-2000 words **Language:** Macedonian **Product Information:** * Product name: Hemomax * Product category: Hemorrhoids / Hemomax - hemorrhoids * Product description: The product helps to facilitate bowel movements, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves cramps, has a relaxing and anti-bloating effect, relieves difficulty in inflamed hemorrhoidal veins such as swelling, pain, itching, bleeding, softens the stool. * Key ingredients: anthraquinone glycosides, cyanogenic glycosides, germacranolides, polyacetylenes, triterpenes, sterols, tannins, choline, vitamin K, and essential oils. This comprehensive article plan covers all aspects of Hemomax, from its composition and clinical benefits to its risks and side effects. By providing a balanced view of the product, the article aims to persuade readers to choose Hemomax for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Country: MK / Macedonia / Macedonian
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