**LSI Words List:** 1. اَلِيك (Alic) 2. ضغط الدم (Blood Pressure) 3. مرض السكر (Diabetes) 4. صحة القلب (Cardiovascular Health) 5. مكملات الصحة (Health Supplements) 6. مرض الكلى (Kidney Disease) 7. ضغط الأوعية الدموية (Vascular Pressure) 8. الألياف (Fiber) 9. الفيتامينات (Vitamins) 10. المinerals (Minerals) 11. مرض السكر type 2 (Type 2 Diabetes) 12. مرض القلب (Heart Disease) 13. مرض الأوعية الدموية (Vascular Disease) 14. مرض الكلى المزمن (Chronic Kidney Disease) 15. الصحة العامة (Public Health) **Article Topic:** "أَلِيك: مراجعة، ما هو؟، المخاطر، الفوائد، التخزين، المكونات، الآثار الجانبية، الاستخدام، الحقيقة أو الكذب" **Article Tone:** The tone of the article should be informative, objective, and persuasive. The author should present the facts about Alic, highlighting its benefits and advantages, while also discussing its potential risks and side effects. The tone should be encouraging and reassuring, aiming to persuade readers to choose Alic as a solution for their health needs. **Article Goal:** The primary goal of the article is to persuade readers to choose Alic as a solution for their hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular health needs. The author should provide a comprehensive overview of Alic, covering its composition, benefits, and potential risks, to help readers make an informed decision. **Article Plan:** I. introduction (150 words) * Presentation of Alic and its importance in maintaining good health * Brief overview of the article's content II. ما هو اَلِيك؟ (What is Alic?) (200 words) * Definition and explanation of Alic * Discussion of Alic's composition and ingredients III. فوائد اَلِيك (Benefits of Alic) (400 words) * Discussion of Alic's benefits for hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular health * Explanation of how Alic works to improve overall health IV. مخاطر اَلِيك (Risks and side effects of Alic) (300 words) * Discussion of potential risks and side effects associated with Alic * Explanation of how to minimize these risks V. التخزين والإدارة (Storage and management) (150 words) * Instructions on how to store Alic properly * Discussion of how to manage Alic usage and dosage VI. مرض أو كذب (Truth or lies about Alic) (300 words) * Discussion of common myths and misconceptions about Alic * Explanation of the truth behind Alic's claims VII. استعراض المراجعات (Reviews and testimonials) (300 words) * Presentation of reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers * Discussion of the benefits of Alic based on customer feedback VIII. الاستخدام والإدارة (Usage and management) (300 words) * Instructions on how to use Alic properly * Discussion of how to manage Alic usage and dosage IX. نتيجة المراجعة (Conclusion) (150 words) * Summary of the article's key points * Final thoughts and recommendations for readers **Language and Style:** The article should be written in Arabic, using a formal and informative tone. The language should be clear and concise, with a focus on presenting complex information in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. The article should include headings and subheadings to break up the content and make it easier to read. **Article Length:** The article should be at least 1500-2000 words, with a clear and concise structure that makes it easy to follow. **Product Information:** * Product name: Alic * Product origin description: Alic is a health supplement designed to support cardiovascular health and manage hypertension and diabetes. * Product language description: Alic is a unique blend of natural ingredients that work together to improve overall health and well-being. * Product category: Hypertension/Alic - health. Note: The product information provided is a summary of the product's origin and language description, as well as its category. The actual product information may vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product.

Country: AE / United Arab Emirates / Arabic
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